Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shoe Shopping Time!~

I don't know anyone who doesn't love to get new shoes. So, the question is.......where in Second Life is a great place to shoe shop?! Well, there are quite a few, but one of my new personal faves is Heart & Sole. I love the styles and they come with a HUD for the shoes that lets you change your nail polish color with one click of the shoe i.e. the suede bands across the toes on the pair I have..and your skin color is simple and easy to match exactly with color swatches and a slider bar....and of course the hardware metal has color choices too! Customize the shoes to be exactly what you need for your outfit. I'm wearing "Xena" in the picture above. Good flats are hard to find and these are just cute as ever. Feel like shoe shopping? Go have a look and happy shopping~

Willow Markova